Cool Nerds Out There

As I look back at my guests from my first year of this podcast, I am amazed again by the skills and diversity of the nerds out there! We have barely touched the surface of all the incredible STEM related careers that exist but so far, my guests have studied and/or work in the following fields:

  • Cyber/Security

  • Military

  • Doctorate Student

  • Nursing

  • Formulation/Research & Development

  • Microbiology

  • Civil Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Chemistry/Chemical Engineering

  • Entrepreneur

Some people have gone through schooling straight into the work place. Some took a more round about path, quitting school only to go back later for more - all the way through a doctorate. Their background/heritage/culture/ethnicity originate from all over the world. Their passions outside of work range from food to long distance running or triathlons, from travel to Cosplay. Some enjoy a good beer at the end of the day, some enjoy wine, and some are content with good ol’ H2O.

Coming out of 2019 with all of its social and political challenges, I think it is important to share our experiences. While all of these people are on very different journeys and come from very different backgrounds, they all have a love of STEM. They have all met challenges (often very similar ones) head on and continue to grow.

I say that in 2020 we continue to take back the term “nerd”. When you hear the word, does the mental image of a person with giant glasses, no effort at makeup or self presentation, and in a white lab coat still come to mind? It shouldn’t. These nerds who generously shared their stories are beautiful, handsome, witty, charming, athletic, and often glamorous. Yes, some of us do have to wear a lab coat or other PPE, but peel that back and you could find someone who should be on the big screen!

Nerds are cool.

Cheers, Heather :)

Image from reviewing Figs Scrubs

Image from reviewing Figs Scrubs